Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Atlantic Report: The Gary Hart Renaissance

I don't have the inclination to do it but it would be enlightening to the public to have some sort of weekly report detailing what trends and figures pop up, seemingly randomly, only to become firm Subjects of Discussion.

Case in point, "The Gary Hart Renaissance:"
But less than a month after a new book thrust him back into the news, Hart has a new job, and it comes courtesy of a fellow member of the semi-exclusive club of presidential losers, John Kerry. 
The secretary of state announced Tuesday that he was sending the former Colorado senator to Northern Ireland as his "personal representative" to the new round of talks to resolve political issues and secure a long-term peace deal there.
Apparently, now we are to believe that Hart's reputation has been "reformed." We aren't to think of him as a philanderer who stupidly carried on with bikini models on board the Monkey Business in the middle of his presidential campaign. No, he was a hero--almost certain to become a statesman on the level of our Founding Fathers--who was cut off at the knees by a craven Miami Herald reporter.

It certainly seems to have worked on The Atlantic's commenters. Paul Galvin says this:
[Herald reporter] Mr. Fiedler "monkeyed" with the timeline of The New York Times story to spice up his unprecedented stake-out of a presidential candidate's private residence, wearing hoodies and sunglasses at night in the summer! Yes, good question indeed; what kind of "Monkey Business" is this - for the Herald to act as the decider of what should be the voters' ultimate decision? Now that's some mean "Monkey Business."
bobtube says this:
You can go back and wallow in the mud with snarky remarks about his aborted 1988 presidential campaign if you like; it mainly reflects shallow thinking more appropriate of Entertainment Tonight or some such drivel. In all my reading of American history, I've yet to figure out how marital fidelity or infidelity made any president a better or worse president. There seems to be no connection.

I discussed the NYT article that preceded the book here.

I mentioned there that the assertion underneath the Hart reformation is that a politician's infidelity doesn't matter. bobtube above seems to have gotten that message very clearly.

Does this mean there is some morally-lax Democrat being prepped in the wings for 2016?

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