Saturday, March 22, 2014

Your Guide to Monarch Mind Control - Chapter Three

The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave
By Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler

Chapter One
Chapter Two


Chapter Three is short but it's thankfully the last of the groundwork chapters. After this, we'll be examining the scripts, like the "Wizard of Oz" program, that are taken as common knowledge among Monarch Mind Control theorists.

It's also the beginning of the real craziness. The theory of the mind presented previously and the arrangement of alter personalities within the system are bizarre, but here we start to see just how much the authors are willing to believe.

The drugs are used just as one would imagine. Some are used for programming and some are used for trauma. A drug might be timed to create intense pain just as a predetermined situation arises, in order to provoke dissociation. Another might be timed to give the victim the impression that the programmer has control over his internal state.
The drugs are at times used with elaborate light, sound and motion shows that produce whatever effect the programmer wants to produce. They can make a person believe he is shrinking, or that he is double (with mirrors), or that he is dying.
The majority of the chapter is devoted to a tedious list of drugs programmers often use. We're told that they have access to 600-700 drugs and this is just a sampling. The drugs range from the expected psycho-pharmaceuticals to the mundane, like caffeine.

A few are strange. We're told that some, like 2-GB, are "a strong hallucinogenic which also helps telepathic communication." Ayahuasca, the South American drug touted as an overnight cure for addiction over the years, has the same effect, producing "a telepathic state where the recipient can see through people like glass and read their minds."

One drug not useful to programmers is marijuana. We're told that " it IMPEDES mind control." Which tells us that Springmeier probably lights up often in order to "clear his mind" of the programming he received in the military. He may be a paranoiac but he knows how to party.

All the drugging is done under careful medical scrutiny (and informed by Mengele's tests of human limits in Nazi concentration camps). When the victim has been over-saturated with drugs, programmers turn to natural herbs, like cayenne pepper and kava kava.

The cracks in S&W's ideas start showing through. They tell us that some alter personalities aren't effected at all by the drugs. This is akin to saying that some alters don't require oxygen so they can live underwater. We start to see that this theory has an uncommon idea of the relation between mind, body and the physical world.

For example, we're told that programmers use "high tech harmonic machines, which implant thoughts." If you are skeptical, S&W have an elaborate argument as to how this is possible. I present it, not for reading pleasure or edification, but for a glimpse into the rationalization of the concepts:
The neurons in the hippocampus which is part of the memory process use acetylcholine. Drugs that block acetylcholine interfere with memory. The neurons and the chemical neural transmitters are understood much better today. Where and how a thought is created in the brain is understood by the programmers in detail. No one is in a position to physically prevent the Illuminati and others from taking their children and others to labs where chemicals and harmonics can be used in sophisticated computer guided ways to implant thoughts into the children’s minds. As the child’s brain is shaped according to its environment, the level of everyday brain chemicals and the shape of the various areas of the brain can be determined by the programmers. 
Basically, "some science stuff" and "our understanding has advanced" and "programmers know this very well and have mastered it." This formula is repeated throughout the book. Hey, it makes perfect sense to them.

A recurring theme in all conspiracy theories is the unfailing mastery of the evil-doers. We're told that the programmers have "the antidote for AIDS. Monarch slaves are routinely given the antidote for AIDS and have been since the 1960s-1970s." This is necessary because of how many slaves are programmed for sexual roles, as we'll see in Chapter Four. (Note also the word "antidote" and not "cure.")

Finally, we see how the all the drug work plays out once the slave has been sent into the world.
One victim of government mind control tried to get free. The first psychiatrist the person tried to go to was cooperating with U.S. Intelligence and gave her Stelazine,which aggravated the victim’s situation. When the victim spied a general’s uniform in the closet of this psychiatrist, she got another psychiatrist, who unfortunately turned out to be an ex-DoD employee. He placed her on Haldol Decanoate, Klonopin, and Benzatropine. The combined effect of these drugs is to erase memory, and create a dissociative disorder. All of the drugs were highly addicted. [sic]
Chapter Four is next, dealing with hypnosis. We'll begin to discuss the codes and types of slaves that are referenced by conspiracy advocates.

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