The Illuminati conspiracy theorizing finally crested into the (sub)mainstream over the last five years, primarily due to the latest innovation: dissecting celebrities for signs of occult symbols.
In some respects, this is an old perspective, but it had always been the work of fundamentalist Christians attacking rock stars--backmasking in "Stairway to Heaven" and the like.
Contemporary Illuminati theorizing gained its momentum from the black community. Among late 90s hip-hop MCs, for example, more than a few were fixated on the Illuminati, of which Busta Rhymes was the most prominent. The rise of the Internet has allowed the whispers of "You know what's really going on, don't you?," to spread out.
Out in the world of ideas, they connected with the proponents of the mind-control slaves idea. This had its roots in the story of Candy Jones, which surfaced in the mid-70s. Shortly thereafter, it was the revealed that the CIA researched mind-control techniques in the MKULTRA program.
The program itself originated from science-fiction fears of what the Soviets, Chinese and North Korea were capable of doing to the minds of their POWs. For the longest time, the most famous aspect of the research was the use of LSD and the fun-house atmosphere around it, as CIA employees were allowed to dose one another without warning.
It appears that the general goals of the program were using drugs and other techniques to get enemy agents to spill their secrets and using those same options to disrupt the higher workings of enemy governments. Had the program been successful, they hoped they could somehow trigger, say, Castro, into announcing that Cuba was no longer Communist.
The program was a deep-state project and all indications are that it was an undisciplined waste of resources. Perhaps that was the reason that CIA director Richard Helms had several thousand documents destroyed in 1973.
That destruction created an enormous gap of knowledge that has been filled by speculation that the research was in fact successful, and successful in some very evil areas. In this view, MKULTRA, expanding upon the research of Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, has developed an effective process by which slaves--slaves for assassination, false flag attacks, general disruption and sexual pleasure--can be created, without even the knowledge of the slaves.
There are many dangers to the human race, some real and some imagined. I believe that the trauma-based mind control which this book exposes is the greatest danger to the human race. It gives evil men the power to carry out any evil deed totally undetected. By the time the astute reader finishes this book, they will be as familiar with how to carry out trauma-based mind-control as some of the programmers. Ancient and more recent secrets will no longer be secrets.
Over the years, I have spent thousands of hours studying the Illuminati, the Intelligence agencies of the world, and the occult world in general. The centerpiece of these organizations is the trauma-based mind control that they carry out. Without the ability to carry out this sophisticated type of mind-control using MPD [Multiple Personality Disorder], drugs, hypnosis and electronics and other control methodologies, these organizations would fail to keep their dark evil deeds secret.(For the purposes of simplicity, I'll reference the author as Springmeier, as he is the more prolific and prominent writer.)
If one has read The Illuminatus! Trilogy, then one has a good idea of the confusing and chaotic arrangement. Agencies that believe themselves to be independent and at odds with one another are, in fact, being controlled by more powerful, secret agencies. These secret agencies are likewise infiltrated and manipulated. Those that believe they are serving the "real" Illuminati are merely serving a front, which is being manipulated for the ends of the true Illuminati. It all gets very complex but the end result is that the 13 bloodlines--or families--get exactly what they want.
Springmeier walks us through the locations where the classified documents of various agencies are kept.
The basement of CIA HQ is known as "the Pit," In the Pit documents are being shredded and burned on a round the clock basis. The large remains of these secrets are sold for landfill. The Illuminati have developed secrecy to a fine art. They train their people in the art of secrecy from the time they are born. Most everything they do, is done orally. They are trained not to write rituals and other things down. There is very little paper trail left by the Illuminati.
The creation of slaves with photographic memories facilitates this secrecy. But this book is not about how they have managed to keep their trauma-based Monarch Mind-Control a secret. They have managed only to keep it a secret to the general public. They have not been able to completely cover-up the millions of wasted lives that their programming has ruined.
For many years, they were able to shut-up and quietly discard their programmed multiples by labeling them Paranoid Schizophrenics. But therapists are now correctly identifying these people as programmed multiples and are not only diagnosing them better but giving them better treatment.The Illuminati mind control theory stemmed from the "discovery" of satanic abuse cults through memories recovered in therapy. One of the stated purposes of this book is to assist therapists who don't understand the bizarre ravings of their patients.
When one's beliefs undeniably contradict reality, one has to either become a fanatic or abandon one's beliefs. Recovered memory proponents lost their credibility when many began asserting that America was lousy with satanic covens. Many of those therapists, instead of stepping back and asking if maybe something else could explain their patients' "memories," doubled-down and began attacking those that questioned their assertions.
The inside story about these early FMS [False Memory Syndrome Foundation] doctors of the University of Pennsylvania is that they practiced Satanic Rituals during their work days. What is unusual about this--is that generally satanic rituals are performed at night, but these doctors did their coven work during the day. I know about these men. Now you can see why these men started the FMS! They started it to cover their own sins, because many of them were abusers themselves. In other words many of the FMS people are abusers of trauma-based mind-controlled slaves, or the victims of abuse who are in denial about their own abuse from trauma-based mind-control. Martin T. Orn (the person credited with founding the FMS) had ties to the CIA.Having established the criminals and their defenders, Springmeier tells us what the book will cover:
This book will provide the step-by-step recipe for making a Monarch Mind-Controlled slave, It is a trauma-based mind control which programs multiple personalities using every known technique of mind-control. Every type of mind-control technique has been combined into a group package which makes the total package almost impossible to break. It is this ability to synthesize all these methods into a group package which is so powerful.The creation of a mind-control slave is both an art and a science:
The handlers of mind-controlled slaves carry around a black or grey 3 ring notebook or a lap top computer with the access codes and triggers. Some of the programmers and handlers have this all memorized. The deepest parts, core/gems/executive committee, false trinity etc. are charted in esoteric language such as Enochian, Hebrew (which is considered magical), and Druid symbols.
I have never gotten the opportunity to look at one of these, although a number of the slaves who I’ve talked with have while they were being programmed. These notebooks have color-coded graphs showing the arrangement of alters, the structure of the system, the training of the alters, the history of the alters and other details. All the primary tortures carried out on a slave are coded using dates/no.s so that the memories can be pulled up by the programmers.Springmeier ends the introduction with a short glossary of terms, which I'll revisit as necessary.
A word of warning. Though I don't believe that the claims Springmeier makes are true, what he discusses is pretty ugly and disturbing. Not for the sensitive, to be sure.
Next: Chapter One - The Selection & Preparation of the Victim
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