Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Barely Trying with Vice: Monarch Mind Control Edition

A writer from Vice does a report on herself speculating about Monarch mind control based on, I guess, ironic tweets linking Amanda Bynes' breakdown with the Illuminati. How does she attack the theory?  With feminism!

Monarch mind control theorists claim they want to expose an Illuminati dystopia of shadowy handlers, but they’re really claiming that every successful Hollywood starlet—regardless if she has or hasn't been placed under a 5150 hold—is managed by a powerful male handler. After all, what would be a more attractive theory to a bunch of male nerds sitting behind computers than the idea that all powerful women are actually passive, mind-controlled sexbots? 

One of the seminal books from my adolescence was Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea's The Illuminatus! Trilogy. I spent hours poring over the material I received from mailing to the addresses in Ivan Stang's High Weirdness by Mail.  Psychotropedia, Amok Books, Feral Press, Re/Search--fringe theories and culture have been one of my interests since I was a kid. And I still don't have a good enough handle to really write about Monarch mind control.

Then again, my goal wouldn't be to toss off a list of the shallowest aspects of the theory, dismiss it and go on patting myself on the back for being smarter than everyone else on the Internet.

But let's toss off a few observations that come from years of experience, rather than a single afternoon.

  • The other day I mentioned recovered memories and the Satanic Ritual Abuse accusations that went with the belief that the mind records and hides memories. The genealogy is this:  Recovered memories of extreme but non-systematic, Sybil-style abuse; further work with recovered memories revolve around organized groups of child abusers, moving into Satanic rings; the rise of Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor and their accusations of being programmed sex slaves for the famous; to now, a Satanic conspiracy creating and manipulating pop stars in order to soften our minds for the coming enslavement, as well as the pleasure of the powerful.
  • The latest link the chain is probably the most believable, on the surface, simply because it relies on connecting the dots that are visible to everyone, not the memories of a weird woman with a troubled past. 
  • If you're at all interested the subject, you've already visited Vigilant Citizen, which is the best-looking conspiracy material I've ever seen. Browsing through the site, which spends a great deal of time on evidence from the entertainment world, one starts to think, "Geez, they really do use a lot of checkerboards, pyramids and eye iconography." After a while, one notices it a lot.
  • Vigilant Citizen, especially, and a lot of other sites that cover this material, constantly reference books by Fritz Springmeier.  I've gone a bit through his guide to creating a Monarch slave--which is extensive--and it's quite a brutal work. I get a kick out of the footnotes referring these books as if they are established authorities. My guess is that Springmeier at least spoke to many who claim to have recovered memories and collected their common stories and used those as his sources.
  • For a breath of fresh air while digging into this subject, I suggest one read some abduction stories from the moribund alien conspiracy world. The parallels are hard to ignore--it seems that when people start thinking of the worst things that could happen, they all start saying the same things.
  • The most telling part of the Vice article is that writer Emalie Marthe seems to think she's spotted a flaw in theorists' reasoning by saying, I guess, it all fits together too easily. She uses the example of Mariah Carey's breakdown in the early 2000s. It appears that she's saying, "Why don't you think she's a victim of the Illuminati?" How hard is it to Google it?
  • As I mentioned, her coup de grace is that kitten programming seems to be only practiced on women, thus the theory is false. I guess this is taken as an argument among those programmed in the feminist way (mangy house cat programming?) but it doesn't do much to combat the theory with logic or common sense. If anything, it's proof that the Illuminati are misogynistic and ripe for equalitizin'. And another thing, why are none of these "kittens" fat and gross like Beth Ditto? Big women are sexy, too!

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