Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Where We're Headed

In general, what we're seeing is the dysfunctioning of our society.

We've lived so long with a functioning government, a functioning economy and a functioning society that it appeared indestructible. What does it matter that a political appointee is incompetent, that another entitlement is added to the tax roll, that another individual violates the social order?

The effect is like that of drilling holes in a foundation. One doesn't hurt--even twenty might not hurt. There will be a point, however, when the holes have begun weakening the foundation. Eventually it will collapse.

We see the evidence every day. NSA agents, "qualified" but poorly vetted, tracking their ex's communications. Misappropriation of funding everywhere. Schools playing the testing system. Single motherhood and the attendant problems everywhere. The US is slipping into the Third World, except with electronic gadgets.

When it collapses, it will be like a machine that's never been maintained, lurching and struggling to keep moving, slowing and grinding until it finally comes to a stop.

At least, I hope so. As this happens, the resourceful people whose ancestors built the machine will begin to work around the broken system. Once a critical mass of people start mistrusting the government--not generally but to accomplish whatever specific tasks they want done--then we'll start to see a real change.

What's unfortunate is that, following the principles of anarcho-tyranny, the government will attempt to use its power on those that were always obedient (while ignoring those that won't submit). Luckily for us, the force will be wielded by an incompetent.

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