By Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Patent number 4,858,612 details a plan for a hearing aid that uses microwaves rather than the typical tiny speaker. In WWII, people who crossed in the path of radar stations reported hearing clicking and buzzing sounds that did not come from any physical source. The noises were the result of microwaves stimulating the auditory nerve.
The device in the patent seems to be more of a patent troll claim than an actual invention. The design is attaching a microphone to an as-yet-undeveloped apparatus that converts sound to microwaves. How the sound is converted and whether microwaves are capable of stimulating the auditory nerve beyond simple noise is undetermined. In other words, 1. Attach microphone to magical device, 2. ????, 3. PROFIT!
S&W, like most conspiracy theorists, believe that their foes have superhuman abilities. They find this patent to be proof that dark forces have developed a method of planting thoughts into their victims' minds. One point is clear: If they do use microwaves, then a tin-foil hat would be very effective.
Much of Chapter Six is devoted to reproducing the patent but other information about electronics frames it. Unsurprisingly, the main idea is that electronics and electricity are used to traumatize their victims. The book is increasingly a catalog of torture fantasies. Just as one would expect, stun guns, cattle prods and electric shock collars are used to send the slaves "over the rainbow."
We also see the conspiracy-minded at work.
One victim who spent time talking to Fritz Springmeier reported how they had repeatedly tried to trick him into going to free hotel rooms and other traps, where they tried to bombard his head with the idea that he should sell drugs. He cleverly dismantled their devices which they hid in the ceilings and other locations in these rooms to protect himself from the thoughts they were trying repeatedly to beam into his head.Sounds reasonable, doesn't it? Very clever, indeed.
S&W scour reports of new technology in order to feed their paranoia. Devices implanted in the body to transmit medical data are, of course, much more sinister than the manufacturers claim. The meditation machines that were advertised in the back pages of magazines during the early 90s--goggles that flashed lights and colors in a rhythm purported to sync one's brainwaves--are one hundred percent effective when used to twist the mind toward black-hearted ends but, by all reports, completely unable to create the sensation of peace they were advertised to produce.
Chapter Seven, God help us, is further information about the internal structure by which alter personalities operate. A quick glance does not reveal much information that hasn't already been addressed but we soldier on.
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